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Welcome to my blog! I'm a fat girl on a journey to lose some weight to gain my life back!

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

How did I get derailed?

I've been doing really good these past four months.   I've lost 37lbs and then all the sudden when I'm not paying attention wham I fall off track.   I stop forcing myself to drink my water, eat breakfast, stay away from soda.   I just stopped.   It's almost like I sabtaged myself.    I'm sure your thinking (or at least hoping) that I am going to ahve some sort of super smart answer for why I did this to myself.   I hate to disappoint but I have no clue.   If I knew that I most likely would have solved this problem already! I am going to consider it a good thing that I realized that I was sliding off the path before I started gaining it all back.   Hopefully, I will be able to reign it all back in before that starts happening.  I didn't gain all this weight over night, so there's no way I'm going to lose it over night either.  

Sometimes, I feel like this beast (this is what I call my food addiction) is going to win and take complete control of my life.   I know that it's an addiction because sometimes food can consume my every waking thought.   And, I do mean my every thought.   Some mornings I wake up and the first thought on my mind is what kind of high fat, highly processed food can I get right away.   I don't think a person that isn't addicted to food thinks like this.   I don't think a normal person wakes up just dreaming of the all the sweets they can stuff into their bodies for that day.   It's so disgusting to myself.   I feel like my body is betraying me.

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